Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is RepairPal?  It's an independent internet source that aims to bring you honest information on car repair.  Their team of experts has a constant eye on service information and repair prices in your area, in many cases catered to the kind of car you drive, or the type of work you need done.

I've lived in the midwest my entire life, and the weather here doesn't reach the same extremes you might find in the south.  While I think I knew, subconsciously, that the weather affected your car's performance, I certainly didn't know that the heat and humidity you find in the American Southwest could do some serious, permanent damage to your vehicle.  So, if you're in the area, maybe you should look into some Dallas Auto Repair.  Even if you aren't, RepariPal's Find A Shop system will help you find reliable service near you.


Interested in purchasing a new car, a Chevrolet Silverado, perhaps?   RepairPal collects reviews from car owners across the country for nearly every make, model, and year you can imagine.  In addition to rating and reviewing their cars, these owners answer questions you might have about the vehicle, outline problems you might find in any particular car, and keep you up to date on recalls, all so you are the most informed when you decide to make a new purchase.

Maybe you need a brake job, or want to learn more about the exhaust system, or you just want to figure out why your air conditioning won't work - use RepairPal's Auto Repair Encyclopedia to find anything you need to know about your car, and why it's making that weird shlooshy sound.

RepairPal.  Car Care Confidence.

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